is your one-stop site for area code lookup, phone number lookup,
and free phone number reviews. Following is phone number listings & most
recent reviews for 902-590 area code for verified numbers 902-590-3000 - 902-590-3999. Zipcodes covered include B2A, B1S, B1R, B1P covered within Sydney. More area codes, including
those outside of Nova Scotia, Canada, are on the homepage.
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902-590-3xxx Area Code Reverse Lookup Results
Phone numbers 902-590-3xxx fall in 902-590 area code. This area code covers part of Sydney, covering
most of B2A, B1S, B1R, B1P zipcodes. 902-590 area code was
started on Jul 06, 2013. Sydney follows Canada/Atlantic timezone with Daylight Savings as part of county in Nova Scotia state. It has a population of 0 and covers a Land Area of 0.000 sq miles. 902-590 area code
locator service has determined Geo-Coordinates for this location as Latitude: 46.14 & Longitude: -60.20. Also, the network service provider for area code 902-590 is Telus Integrated Communications, 222 Bay St, 10th Floor, Toronto, ON, CA - M5K 1A1.