Phone Number Lookup : 661-349-5000-661-349-5999 is your one-stop site for area code lookup, phone number lookup, and free phone number reviews. Following is phone number listings & most recent reviews for 661-349 area code for verified numbers 661-349-5000 - 661-349-5999. Zipcodes covered include 93550, 91390, 91387 covered within Los Angeles. More area codes, including those outside of California, United States of America, are on the homepage.

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661-349-5xxx Area Code Reverse Lookup Results

Phone numbers 661-349-5xxx fall in 661-349 area code. This area code covers part of Los Angeles, covering most of 93550, 91390, 91387 zipcodes. 661-349 area code was started on Oct 13, 2013. Los Angeles follows US/Pacific timezone with Daylight Savings as part of Los Angeles county in California state. It has a population of 981,860 and covers a Land Area of 999.999 sq miles. 661-349 area code locator service has determined Geo-Coordinates for this location as Latitude: 34.58 & Longitude: -118.12. Also, the network service provider for area code 661-349 is Cellco Partnership dba Verizon Wireless - CA, 15330 S Keeler St, Olathe, KS, US - 66062-2713.

Map for area code 661-349-5xxx

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Major metro areas near Area Code 661-349-5 - Los Angeles, California (25 mile radius)

City NamePrefixDistance (miles)Service Provider
Sherman Oaks, CA661-5331.08 miTime Warner Cable Information Services (California) LLC dba Time Warner Cable - CA
Simi Valley, CA661-5332.64 miT-Mobile USA Inc
Anaheim, CA661-5338.18 miMetroPCS Networks LLC
Riverside, CA661-5338.42 mitw telecom of california LP - CA
Santa Ana, CA661-5339.8 miXO California Inc

Reverse Phone Lookup in area code 661 & exchange 349 - Page 5 for public business phone numbers (Yellow Pages Search)

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Trending Phone Number Reports in Area Code 661-349-5xxx

Jeffh ( commented on 661-349-0811
This review was created at 2011-05-14T03:44
The person who owns this phone sent extremely pornographic video and pictures to my wife"s phone. Unfortunately my 11 year old daughter was playing a iPhone app on her phone when the video and pics popped up on the screen. So much for letting the kids use the phones to stay busy while driving. This is going to be a fun one to explain when we get home. Whoever"s number this is, your a bone head.
Reviews for Area Code 661-349-0

Phone Number Lookup in area code 661 & exchange 349 - Page 5 for publicly available phone numbers (White Pages Search)

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