Phone Number Lookup : 510-274-7000-510-274-7999 is your one-stop site for area code lookup, phone number lookup, and free phone number reviews. Following is phone number listings & most recent reviews for 510-274 area code for verified numbers 510-274-7000 - 510-274-7999. Zipcodes covered include 94541, 94542, 94543, 94540 covered within Pleasanton. More area codes, including those outside of California, United States of America, are on the homepage.

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510-274-7xxx Area Code Reverse Lookup Results

Phone numbers 510-274-7xxx fall in 510-274 area code. This area code covers part of Pleasanton, covering most of 94541, 94542, 94543, 94540 zipcodes. 510-274 area code was started on Oct 19, 2013. Pleasanton follows US/Pacific timezone with Daylight Savings as part of Alameda county in California state. It has a population of 151,027 and covers a Land Area of 739.017 sq miles. 510-274 area code locator service has determined Geo-Coordinates for this location as Latitude: 37.67 & Longitude: -122.08. Also, the network service provider for area code 510-274 is Cellco Partnership dba Verizon Wireless - CA, 15330 S Keeler St, Olathe, KS, US - 66062-2713.

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Major metro areas near Area Code 510-274-7 - Pleasanton, California (25 mile radius)

City NamePrefixDistance (miles)Service Provider
Oakland, CA510-3400.41 miSprint Spectrum LP
Fremont, CA510-3402.32 miXO California Inc
Walnut Creek, CA510-3403.63 mitw telecom of california LP - CA
San Francisco, CA510-34011.63 miMosaic Networx LLC - CA
Hayward, CA510-34018.84 miComcast Phone of California LLC - CA

Reverse Phone Lookup in area code 510 & exchange 274 - Page 7 for public business phone numbers (Yellow Pages Search)

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Trending Phone Number Reports in Area Code 510-274-7xxx

Lynda ( commented on 510-274-2022
This review was created at 2011-11-28T23:55
I received a call from this number but did not answer. A voice mail was left instead. According to the voice mail, the caller was a man named Joseph of Frontier Financial Group. He was informing me that he was performing an audit and this was an attempt to collect a debt. I have received many different messages from Joseph all asking me to call him back at (877) 683-5490. This is a SCAM. I have looked up the 877 number as well as the company and have found a great number of people have received the same calls and have verified that the company is only seeking to cash in on your personal information. If you receive a call from this number do NOT call back to verify information.
Reviews for Area Code 510-274-2

Phone Number Lookup in area code 510 & exchange 274 - Page 7 for publicly available phone numbers (White Pages Search)

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