Phone Number Lookup : 478-845-7000-478-845-7999 is your one-stop site for area code lookup, phone number lookup, and free phone number reviews. Following is phone number listings & most recent reviews for 478-845 area code for verified numbers 478-845-7000 - 478-845-7999. Zipcodes covered include 31201, 31213, 31207, 31221 covered within Macon. More area codes, including those outside of Georgia, United States of America, are on the homepage.

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478-845-7xxx Area Code Reverse Lookup Results

Phone numbers 478-845-7xxx fall in 478-845 area code. This area code covers part of Macon, covering most of 31201, 31213, 31207, 31221 zipcodes. 478-845 area code was started on Oct 11, 2012. Macon follows US/Eastern timezone with Daylight Savings as part of Bibb county in Georgia state. It has a population of 155,547 and covers a Land Area of 249.762 sq miles. 478-845 area code locator service has determined Geo-Coordinates for this location as Latitude: 32.83 & Longitude: -83.63. Also, the network service provider for area code 478-845 is Level 3 Communications LLC - GA, 1025 Eldorado Blvd, Broomfield, CO, US - 80021-8254.

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Major metro areas near Area Code 478-845-7 - Macon, Georgia (25 mile radius)

City NamePrefixDistance (miles)Service Provider
Lizella, GA478-97111.10 miPublic Service Telephone Company
Milledgeville, GA478-97113.70 miCharter Fiberlink - Georgia LLC - GA
Gray, GA478-97113.70 miGeorgia Windstream Inc
Centerville, GA478-97114.23 miWindstream Georgia Inc
Tifton, GA478-97122.63 miPublic Service Wireless Services Inc

Reverse Phone Lookup in area code 478 & exchange 845 - Page 7 for public business phone numbers (Yellow Pages Search)

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Trending Phone Number Reports in Area Code 478-845-7xxx

Fas5904 ( commented on 478-845-0984
This review was created at 2011-06-06T23:39
Also said to be some sort of breast cancer awareness center. She opened the conversation talking about statistics and prevention. Then, she first asked to send me a packet in the mail about preventing breast cancer and I told her that was ok - I didn"t give any information and then she quickly asked about a donation. She stated that the donations range from $15 to $100. I thought that was strange because although I have never donated to these sorts of things, I thought you could donate whatever amount YOU want. I told her I wasn"t sure right now but maybe I could later if she sent the information on donating in the mail. She wanted to know how much I planned on donating and I told her if any, it would be the lowest ($15) amount. She said thank you and please hold. The some guy answered and thanked me for wanting to donate. He wanted to know EXACTLY how much I wanted to donate and again I told him the same thing I told the lady previously. He was like "so you"re not completely sure you want to donate anything?". I told him no again and he said "OK, thank you" and hung up before I could say anything else. Weird. Now - two days later - they are trying to call back. I definitely think they are up to no good. Bad thing is, I thought the lady was being honest because she sounded very professional and sincere. WATCH OUT PEOPLE!
Reviews for Area Code 478-845-0
Jlandis3 ( commented on 478-845-0984
This review was created at 2011-03-12T01:42
Claims to come from "Public safety". Woman said she was calling for some sort of breast cancer donation and when I started to tell her I supported the 60 mile walk, she hung up.
Reviews for Area Code 478-845-0

Phone Number Lookup in area code 478 & exchange 845 - Page 7 for publicly available phone numbers (White Pages Search)

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