Area code 308 covers part of Nebraskastate, covering most of Kearney, Hall, Frontier, Perkins, Red Willow counties. It was started on Jan 01, 2000. This region follows US/Eastern timezone. Other popular area codes that belong to Nebraska state include 402, 531.
Date Changed | Change Details |
Apr 10, 2014 | Area code 308-332 was introduced on Feb 11, 2014 and subscribers are operational from Apr 10, 2014. |
Apr 10, 2014 | Area code 308-399 was introduced on Feb 11, 2014 and subscribers are operational from Apr 10, 2014. |
Apr 10, 2014 | Area code 308-392 was introduced on Apr 01, 2014 and subscribers are operational from Apr 10, 2014. |
Area Code | City | County | Population | Network Operator |
308-311 | 510,313 | Non Emergency Police And Other Governmental Services | ||
308-313-0 | Hemingford | Box Butte | 11,308 | Mobius Communications Company - NE |
308-315-0 | Grand Island | Kearney | 6,489 | Sprint Spectrum LP |
308-318-0 | Grand Island | Hall | 58,607 | 365 WIRELESS LLC |
308-320-0 | Lexington | Dawson | 24,326 | United States Cellular - NE |
308-322-0 | Grand Island | Kearney | 6,489 | Sprint Spectrum LP |
308-324 | Lexington | Dawson | 24,326 | Qwest Corporation |
308-325 | Grand Island | Dawson | 24,326 | Cellco Partnership dba Verizon Wireless - NE |
308-326 | Madrid | Perkins | 2,970 | Consolidated Telco Inc |
308-327 | Rushville | Sheridan | 5,469 | Great Plains Communications Inc |
308-331-0 | Grand Island | Kearney | 6,489 | Sprint Spectrum LP |
308-332-0 | Grand Island | Kearney | 6,489 | Sprint Spectrum LP |
308-334 | Trenton | Hitchcock | 2,908 | Great Plains Communications Inc |
308-335 | Peetz | Cheyenne | 9,998 | Peetz Cooperative Telephone Company |
308-336-0 | Farwell | Howard | 6,274 | Qwest Corporation |
308-337-0 | Atlanta | Phelps | 9,188 | Qwest Corporation |
308-338 | Kearney | Buffalo | 46,102 | Citizens Telecommuncations of Nebraska LLC dba Frontier Communications of Nebraska |
308-339-9 | Grand Island | Hall | 58,607 | Cellco Partnership dba Verizon Wireless - NE |
308-339-0 | Grand Island | Hall | 58,607 | YMax Communications Corporation - NE |
308-340 | Grand Island | Red Willow | 11,055 | Cellco Partnership dba Verizon Wireless - NE |
308-343-0 | Grand Island | Kearney | 6,489 | Sprint Spectrum LP |
308-344 | Mc Cook | Red Willow | 11,055 | Pinpoint Communications Inc - NE |
308-345-0 | Mc Cook | Red Willow | 11,055 | Qwest Corporation |
308-346 | Burwell | Garfield | 2,049 | Nebraska Central Telephone Company |
308-348 | Burwell | Garfield | 2,049 | Nebraska Central Telephone Company |
308-349 | Wilsonville | Furnas | 4,959 | Citizens Telecommuncations of Nebraska LLC dba Frontier Communications of Nebraska |
308-350-0 | Mc Cook | Red Willow | 11,055 | United States Cellular - NE |
308-352 | Grand Island | Perkins | 2,970 | Cellco Partnership dba Verizon Wireless - NE |
308-352 | Grant | Perkins | 2,970 | Great Plains Communications Inc |
308-353-0 | Grant | Perkins | 2,970 | N.E. Colorado Cellular Inc |
308-353-3 | Grant | Perkins | 2,970 | United States Cellular - NE |
308-355 | Lemoyne | Keith | 8,368 | Keystone-Arthur Telephone Company |
308-357 | Cedar Rapids | Nance | 3,735 | Great Plains Communications Inc |
308-358 | Cedar Rapids | Boone | 5,505 | Great Plains Communications Inc |
308-360-0 | Grand Island | Sheridan | 5,469 | Cellco Partnership dba Verizon Wireless - NE |
308-362 | Grand Island | Frontier | 2,756 | Cellco Partnership dba Verizon Wireless - NE |
308-362 | Maywood | Frontier | 2,756 | Consolidated Telco Inc |
308-363-0 | Grand Island | Kearney | 6,489 | Sprint Spectrum LP |
308-364 | Indianola | Red Willow | 11,055 | Great Plains Communications Inc |
308-366 | Curtis | Frontier | 2,756 | Curtis Telephone Company |
308-367 | Curtis | Frontier | 2,756 | Curtis Telephone Company |
308-367 | Grand Island | Frontier | 2,756 | Cellco Partnership dba Verizon Wireless - NE |
308-368 | Hershey | Lincoln | 36,288 | Hershey Cooperative Telephone Company |
308-370 | Grand Island | Hall | 58,607 | N.E. Colorado Cellular Inc |
308-372 | Rockville | Sherman | 3,152 | Nebraska Central Telephone Company |
308-374-0 | Grand Island | Kearney | 6,489 | Sprint Spectrum LP |
308-375 | Danbury | Red Willow | 11,055 | Hartman Telephone Exchange Inc |
308-377 | Dalton | Cheyenne | 9,998 | Dalton Telephone Company |
308-378 | Mc Cook | Hall | 58,607 | Pinpoint Communications Inc - NE |
308-379 | Grand Island | Hall | 58,607 | Cellco Partnership dba Verizon Wireless - NE |
308-380 | Grand Island | Hall | 58,607 | Cellco Partnership dba Verizon Wireless - NE |
308-381 | Grand Island | Hall | 58,607 | Qwest Corporation |
308-382 | Grand Island | Hall | 58,607 | Qwest Corporation |
308-383 | Grand Island | Hall | 58,607 | United States Cellular - NE |
308-384 | Grand Island | Hall | 58,607 | Qwest Corporation |
308-385-8 | Grand Island | Hall | 58,607 | Cellco Partnership dba Verizon Wireless - NE |
308-385-0 | Grand Island | Hall | 58,607 | Qwest Corporation |
308-386 | Grand Island | Lincoln | 36,288 | Cellco Partnership dba Verizon Wireless - NE |
308-386 | Sutherland | Lincoln | 36,288 | Great Plains Communications Inc |
308-387 | Wallace | Lincoln | 36,288 | Consolidated Telco Inc |
308-388-6 | Grand Island | Buffalo | 46,102 | Charter Fiberlink-Nebraska LLC - NE |
308-388-0 | Pleasanton | Buffalo | 46,102 | Citizens Telecommuncations of Nebraska LLC dba Frontier Communications of Nebraska |
308-389-1 | Grand Island | Hall | 58,607 | Cellco Partnership dba Verizon Wireless - NE |
308-389-0 | Grand Island | Hall | 58,607 | Qwest Corporation |
308-390 | Grand Island | Hall | 58,607 | Cellco Partnership dba Verizon Wireless - NE |
308-391-0 | Grand Island | Hall | 58,607 | United States Cellular - NE |
308-392-0 | Grand Island | Hall | 58,607 | MCImetro Access Transmission Services LLC |
308-394 | Wauneta | Chase | 3,966 | Wauneta Telephone Company |
308-395-0 | Grand Island | Hall | 58,607 | Qwest Corporation |
308-396 | Cedar Rapids | Boone | 5,505 | Great Plains Communications Inc |
308-397 | Wauneta | Chase | 3,966 | Wauneta Telephone Company |
308-398 | Grand Island | Hall | 58,607 | Windstream Communications of the Midwest Inc - NE |
308-399-0 | Grand Island | Kearney | 6,489 | Sprint Spectrum LP |
No reviews yet. |
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Find area codes by using's area code finder. provides an area codes location map service for area codes of USA. When using these maps, please note that area zip codes are different than phone number area codes used for calling. is an excellent resource for area code lookup and reverse number lookup. Here you'll find area codes, city, county, population & operator list table of area codes within the United States. Also, you can verify owners of phone numbers with full name & address information for background check. For a full list of area codes, visit home page. It provides drilldown for USA area codes and area code location maps.
Find owner information using the reverse phone number search function on With phone number search function, you can find owner information & detailed area codes information in the United States. is a resource of North American telephone area codes. Beyond area code listings, relevant information about each area code is detailed. For example, this page details area code 308-3. You can also search area codes by state, and within the NANP, find country area codes.
The area codes locator shows the coverage area for each phone number area code. Area code locations are also listed by city next to the area code maps on this page. Also, read reviews within an area code. provides local reviews for phone numbers and aggregates results per area code. It shows you the area code location covered by each area code; for example, the LA area code reveiws covers local business phone numbers area in Los Angeles. This page details area code 308-3. All USA states area codes may be found using
The telephone area code prefixes local phone numbers & is not required to be dialed. For area codes by city, search Area codes telephone differ from region to region, and in some places the area code must be dialed even when calling locally within that region. Find out more with area code decoder.