is your one-stop site for area code lookup, phone number lookup,
and free phone number reviews. Following is phone number listings & most
recent reviews for 252-572 area code for verified numbers 252-572-9000 - 252-572-9999. Zipcodes covered include 27536, 27537, 27544, 27556 covered within Rocky Mount. More area codes, including
those outside of North Carolina, United States of America, are on the homepage.
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252-572-9xxx Area Code Reverse Lookup Results
Phone numbers 252-572-9xxx fall in 252-572 area code. This area code covers part of Rocky Mount, covering
most of 27536, 27537, 27544, 27556 zipcodes. 252-572 area code was
started on May 16, 2005. Rocky Mount follows US/Eastern timezone with Daylight Savings as part of Vance county in North Carolina state. It has a population of 45,422 and covers a Land Area of 253.517 sq miles. 252-572 area code
locator service has determined Geo-Coordinates for this location as Latitude: 36.32 & Longitude: -78.41. Also, the network service provider for area code 252-572 is AT&T Local, 900 US Highway 202 206, Bedminster, NJ, US - 07921-2691.