is your one-stop site for area code lookup, phone number lookup, and free phone number reviews. Following is phone number listings & most recent reviews for 213-402 area code for verified numbers 213-402-2000 - 213-402-2999. Zipcodes covered include 90013, 90001, 90011, 90023 covered within Los Angeles. More area codes, including those outside of California, United States of America, are on the homepage.
Phone numbers 213-402-2xxx fall in 213-402 area code. This area code covers part of Los Angeles, covering most of 90013, 90001, 90011, 90023 zipcodes. 213-402 area code was started on Jan 01, 2000. Los Angeles follows US/Pacific timezone with Daylight Savings as part of Los Angeles county in California state. It has a population of 981,860 and covers a Land Area of 999.999 sq miles. 213-402 area code locator service has determined Geo-Coordinates for this location as Latitude: 34.05 & Longitude: -118.25. Also, the network service provider for area code 213-402 is Paetec Communications Inc - CA, 290 Woodcliff Dr, Fairport, NY, US - 14450-4212.
City Name | Prefix | Distance (miles) | Service Provider |
Anaheim, CA | 213-416 | 1.96 mi | Paetec Communications Inc - CA |
Gardena, CA | 213-416 | 5.76 mi | Cbeyond Communications LLC - CA |
Torrance, CA | 213-416 | 10.51 mi | T-Mobile USA Inc |
El Monte, CA | 213-416 | 14.64 mi | Telscape Communications Inc . - CA |
Irvine, CA | 213-416 | 16.01 mi | MCI Worldcom Communications Inc - CA |
Phone | Verified Listings | Number | Reversed Names | Phone | Lookup Trend |
Jose ( commented on
This review was created at 2011-12-22T22:44
esta persona se hace pasar por una nueva estacion de radio "viva latina" te pide los numeros de telefono de tus amigos para darte un regalo y despues le llama a tus amigos para venderles currsos de ingles y seguros legales que no existen llamas a este numero para reclamar y nadie te contesta todo es un fraude
Reviews for Area Code 213-402-1
Jwsugden ( commented on
This review was created at 2011-12-12T21:05
good morning, this is Norman Steinberg. I"m just seeing your age and working with that at the F.G.BĀ Federal Gaming Board. We have an important message for Jack Smith. It"s regarding a client that has to be delivered to was soon as possible. I"ll get back to our direct line. Is (213) 402-1889. That"s (213) 402-8889.
Reviews for Area Code 213-402-1
Phone | Verified Listings | Number | Reversed Names | Phone | Lookup Trend | is your one-stop site for area code lookup, phone number lookup, and free phone number reviews. Our reports include,